Empowering and Inspiring Individuals
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm
At Greece Post #468 Upstairs
The American Legion Auxiliary is one of the largest patriotic service organization in the world. The organization sponsors volunteer programs on the national and local levels, focusing on three major areas; veterans, youth, and the community.
The members of Greece Post #468 have approximately 185 members and are very active in helping local veterans at Greece Post #468 and the Rochester Area. We participate in many community service projects and volunteer our time at many local events and in many different community organizations. We also volunteer our time to help out the many post events that are geared towards the children in our community. These include Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets of food, clothing, and toys for the families we are sponsoring, along with a hat and mitten tree for Veterans Outreach Center Families. We typically stuff thousands of plastic eggs for the annual Easter Egg hunt and cook breakfast that day.
Community is a big focus of our Auxiliary. We participate in Veterans Day and Memorial Day programs both at our legion and at the town hall. Through the years we have participated in many Honor Flight Rochester events, NYS Special Olympics Polar Plunge, Mercy Bridges Field of Honor, Wreaths Across America, Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf, Artist Unlimited Inc. and many other not named. We volunteer our time at almost all legion functions i.e., Annual Warrior Benefit Concert, Sportsman, Turkey, and Ham Raffles.
We typically sponsor a young lady to Empire Girls State and supervise Bingo at Monroe Community Hospital once a year. We send out care packages to our deployed service members from our community if known to us. Most of our veteran programs are financed by our Annual Poppy program during the month of May.
Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm at the legion upstairs. The only months we do not meet are July, and August but the officers are still available to carry on business. Dues are $30.00 a year and we begin collecting them in June and they should be paid by Jan 1st. Eligibility is Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter or Great-Granddaughter or Step relatives of Legion members and deceased veterans who served in the US Armed Forces during the war periods.
Please fill out and application and enclose a copy of the veteran’s discharge (DD214) you are joining under. Please make out any check for your dues to Greece American Legion Auxiliary Unit #468 and place in an envelope marked membership in the Auxiliary mailbox in the coat room at the post home. Or mail them to the Greece ALA 344 Dorsey Rd. Rochester, NY 14616 with Attention Auxiliary membership on the front.
If you have any question please contact one of our officers.
*Officer contact information can be found at the Post. We DO NOT post phone numbers, on the site for security purposes. Please feel free to call the post or stop in for this information. The post contact information can be found on the contact us page.
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm
At Greece Post #468 Upstairs
The American Legion Auxiliary is one of the largest patriotic service organization in the world. The organization sponsors volunteer programs on the national and local levels, focusing on three major areas; veterans, youth, and the community.
The members of Greece Post #468 have approximately 185 members and are very active in helping local veterans at Greece Post #468 and the Rochester Area. We participate in many community service projects and volunteer our time at many local events and in many different community organizations. We also volunteer our time to help out the many post events that are geared towards the children in our community. These include Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets of food, clothing, and toys for the families we are sponsoring, along with a hat and mitten tree for Veterans Outreach Center Families. We typically stuff thousands of plastic eggs for the annual Easter Egg hunt and cook breakfast that day.
Community is a big focus of our Auxiliary. We participate in Veterans Day and Memorial Day programs both at our legion and at the town hall. Through the years we have participated in many Honor Flight Rochester events, NYS Special Olympics Polar Plunge, Mercy Bridges Field of Honor, Wreaths Across America, Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf, Artist Unlimited Inc. and many other not named. We volunteer our time at almost all legion functions i.e., Annual Warrior Benefit Concert, Sportsman, Turkey, and Ham Raffles.
We typically sponsor a young lady to Empire Girls State and supervise Bingo at Monroe Community Hospital once a year. We send out care packages to our deployed service members from our community if known to us. Most of our veteran programs are financed by our Annual Poppy program during the month of May.
Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm at the legion upstairs. The only months we do not meet are July, and August but the officers are still available to carry on business. Dues are $30.00 a year and we begin collecting them in June and they should be paid by Jan 1st. Eligibility is Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter or Great-Granddaughter or Step relatives of Legion members and deceased veterans who served in the US Armed Forces during the war periods.
Please fill out and application and enclose a copy of the veteran’s discharge (DD214) you are joining under. Please make out any check for your dues to Greece American Legion Auxiliary Unit #468 and place in an envelope marked membership in the Auxiliary mailbox in the coat room at the post home. Or mail them to the Greece ALA 344 Dorsey Rd. Rochester, NY 14616 with Attention Auxiliary membership on the front.
If you have any question please contact one of our officers.
*Officer contact information can be found at the Post. We DO NOT post phone numbers, on the site for security purposes. Please feel free to call the post or stop in for this information. The post contact information can be found on the contact us page.
2024 Slate of Officers
Mary Kay Fulkerson
1st Vice-President
2nd Vice-President
Dana Fose
Tracey Woodard
Pamela Babcock
Emily Wright
Sgt at Arms
Erika Zobel
Mary Kay Fulkerson
1st Vice-President
2nd Vice-President
Dana Fose
Tracey Woodard
Pamela Babcock
Emily Wright
Sgt at Arms
Erika Zobel
Christmas Elves wrapping special presents
for a special family!
The Post 468 Auxiliary and some special elves comes together to wrap over 100 presents for a special family in need.
for a special family!
The Post 468 Auxiliary and some special elves comes together to wrap over 100 presents for a special family in need.
Post 468 Auxiliary
Annual Christmas Card Signing!
Annual Christmas Card Signing!
Upcoming Auxiliary Meetings
New Member Initiation 10-16-2024
Executive Board
President Mary Kay Fulkerson, 2nd Vice-President Dana Fose,
Secretary Pamela Babcock, Sgt at Arms Erika Zobel, Advisor Pam Conkey
New Members
Carmen Bates, Kim Sperr, and Brenda Embrey